Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Night Circus Reflective Blog : 2

Our Interpretation Of The Night Circus:

In this lesson, we were introduced to The Night Circus. However we hadn’t yet been told the story, we were just given different concepts and scenarios of events. We had to then work as a group to devise a short scene of what we invisioned when thinking about the scenario. 

The first and my favourite scene we had to create a magical water fountain. I had the idea to incorporate a mermaid into our scene but change the general interpretation of what people believe mermaids to be, which is kind and heroic. In some modern stories mermaids are said to have angelic singing voices that lead ships astray to a watery death.

Malachi went on all fours and I hid underneath him as the mermaid. The rest of the group created the fountain by joining their hands together to produce an arch representing the falling of the water. Sian played the character of a walking by stander, using my own knowlege I thought the mermaid should lure the bystander closer by singing mesmerising tune, as the by stander came closer she sat down on Malachi’s back and I reached for her hand, when I saw she trusted me, I pulled her into the fountain and slid underneath Malachi to the other side -taking the place as the by stander and the fountain entrapped the bystander as the new mermaid, as she tried to speak all she could do was sing the once lovely tune which was now her terrible fate. This was like our take on ‘The Little Mermaid’ and seeing a different perspective of things. 

What worked well in this lesson was the creative flow of ideas because everything was devised, the ideas were limitless and anything was possible if we could successfully execute it with an explanation for what we were trying to portray and how it links with the concept of the project. I really enjoyed this lesson and I didn’t think anything was challenging because it was our chance to express the way we think and show Inez that we understood the task given.

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