Sunday, January 6, 2019

Avenue Q Reflective Blog:1

In this rehearsal, we had to block our performance on the stage in the theatre as the space is much bigger than the spacing in the drama studio therefore will look different as we have to fill the stage.
From memory we did a full run through of the performance using our own idea of where we think we should be; when we should, be keeping in mind the change of space. After this Inez helped give us direction and positioning so that each song transitioned into each other smoothly, this is so that we do not lose the audience's focus, because if we do it means they've lost connection with the story we were telling them and they would not understand the following scenes. What worked well was we took direction well and quickly adapted to the space given understanding we only had a limited amount of time to do this. Including the full run through of Avenue Q, we had to add incorporate tech as, so we had to be patient whilst Tyler went through each song and logged what lighting should be used at which point and on which person. The only thing that was a cause for concern was our vocals and harmonies in some of the songs. For example ' I Wish I Could Go Back To College', this is because some people did not know the harmonies in the boys group which then threw the other boys off and then in the girls group lower and higher, we kept singing each others harmonies or the same harmony, even though we have rehearsed it many times. In my opinion harmonies can sometimes be challenging because it only takes one person to sing the wrong note and its ruined, but if done correctly is effective and sounds really good. To resolve this we all gathered around the piano for some help from Tom to ensure we all knew what our harmonies were. To implement vocal theory I had to make sure I was singing the right harmony so that I didn't throw my group off or conversly help remind someone the right harmony they should be vocalising. I also needed to make sure I was projecting my voice and singing with clarity and character.

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